Tinnitus symptoms can be distracting, frustrating and a variety of other things when they occur. And one of the most important questions you’ll want to know the answer to is whether it’ll be a temporary issue or one that will go away with time. Most people don’t want their tinnitus symptoms to last too long, which is understandable. And a number of factors will influence how long you endure those symptoms. We’ll go over this, as well as some of the things that can be done to cure and lessen tinnitus symptoms, so keep reading to learn more. However, if you’re unsure at any point, your best course of action is to make an appointment with your audiologist as soon as possible. They’ll be able to recommend the best course of treatment and efficiently diagnose your tinnitus.

Give It a Few Days

First and foremost, you should wait it out for a little while. You won’t know what you’re up against until you see whether or not it passes. Tinnitus symptoms usually go away after 48 hours in most situations. Before you start worrying about other issues, give it 48 hours to see whether the problem goes away. If it does, you clearly don’t have a long-term issue. For some people, the condition will only last a few hours, while for others, it can continue several days. If you were exposed to a loud noise on a one-time basis, the condition will most likely go away within a few days. If you’ve been in a noisy atmosphere like a club or construction site, this could be the case for you. So, before you do anything else, give it a few days to see how your symptoms progress.

Know When to See an Audiologist

It’s a good idea to get expert help if you have a hearing problem that lasts more than a couple of weeks and your symptoms don’t improve. If you’re having problems with your hearing, an audiologist is the person to see because they’ll be able to figure out what’s wrong. Most instances of temporary tinnitus persist for two weeks, so if your symptoms aren’t improving after that time, it’s time to seek medical help. An audiologist will be able to perform all of the necessary tests to determine the state of your hearing and any potential hearing loss.

Earwax Might Be the Culprit

Earwax has been connected to some people’s tinnitus issues. Tinnitus is a sign of hearing loss caused by a buildup of earwax in the ear canal. When you’re dealing with these kinds of symptoms, it’s important to keep this in mind and have it looked at by your audiologist. It could help you understand what you’re going through. If you have earwax issues and are also experiencing tinnitus symptoms, it’s a good idea to have your ears cleaned by an audiologist. Attempting to clean your own ears with cotton swabs or other tools is not the best idea. This can cause the earwax to compress even more, potentially causing injury to the inner ear, which you don’t want as it could cause pain and further hearing loss.

Prolonged Exposure to Loud Noises

This is the most likely cause of your tinnitus if you’ve been in a position where you’ve been exposed to loud noises on a frequent basis. Exposure to loud noises might cause temporary hearing loss in certain people. However, if the exposure occurs frequently over a lengthy period of time, it may result in long-term tinnitus and hearing loss. Loud noises should always be taken seriously, and if you know you’ll be exposed to them, you should take precautions to safeguard your hearing. Ear protection is a good idea, and there are a variety of ear protection options that can be utilized in a variety of settings.

Explore Your Treatment Options

If you’ve been diagnosed with tinnitus, there are a multitude of treatment choices available to you. Hearing aids are one treatment that is frequently used to minimize and decrease the symptoms. Others employ sound machines to drown out the noise in their inner ear. People with permanent tinnitus often use white noise devices. It muffles the sound in the inner ear, making the symptoms easier to manage in the future. However, your audiologist will be able to determine the best course of treatment. If you’re experiencing tinnitus symptoms and need assistance from qualified professionals, we’re here to help. Grusecki Audiology & Hearing Aid Services has the knowledge and experience to assist you in receiving the tinnitus therapy you require. To schedule an appointment, please call us today at 623-583-1737.