So, you have noticed some hearing loss and are wondering what you should do about it. You are thinking about getting a hearing aid, but there are so many different types on the market that you are unsure which one would be best for you. Many people who cannot hear properly avoid social situations and isolate themselves as a consequence. A hearing aid has the ability to give someone experiencing hearing loss their normal life back. Wearing a hearing aid also has many other benefits for the users such as delaying the onset of cognitive decline, it can also improve balance, especially in elderly people and helping prevent falls. Here are a few things to think about before you go out and get a hearing aid.

A hearing test

If you haven’t had a hearing test from an audiologist, you need to have one before purchasing hearing aids. This is to determine the exact type and severity of the hearing loss you have. It will also uncover whether or not there are any underlying symptoms which are resulting in your hearing loss. Also, you may not need hearing aids at all, and a simple procedure may be enough to restore your hearing, like ear syringing. So, go to an audiologist and get a hearing test, you will then be able to discuss the appropriate hearing aid solution if that is required.

The different types of hearing aid

As technology has advanced, all aspects of life have been affected. Your hearing is no different. In the old days, there may have been one hearing aid choice, but now there are many. And now you have to make a decision to find the best solution specific to your needs and lifestyle choice. Listed here are the four main styles on offer to you:

  • Invisible in canal (IIC): This is a tiny hearing aid that is placed right inside the ear canal and cannot be seen. This may be a good choice for teenagers or anyone who fears social stigma. It is the type which has the least amount of wind interference too, so is a good option for those who are out and about a lot. However, the batteries are small so don’t last long, and it has the least number of feature. It can also become clogged up with earwax, so you need to be thorough about cleaning to avoid corrosion.
  • In the canal (ITC): This is not invisible but can barely be seen because it is small and is placed inside your outer ear. It has more features than the IIC style. However, it is still small, and features may be minimal and difficult to adjust. It can also succumb to earwax.
  • In the ear (ITE): This is a similar style to the ITC but is larger, more visible, sitting just inside your outer ear. The size means it has a longer-lasting battery, and it has more features which are easier to change on the device. But these devices can still develop earwax issues and are more susceptible to the sound of the wind.
  • Behind the ear (BTE): This type sits exactly as the name suggests. It is connected to the inner ear through a wire and microphone. This type is the largest and most visible but also has most amplification, better battery life and the most features. However, it picks up the most sound from the wind.

What are the features?

The features may be the selling point of a hearing aid for you. Technological advancements mean that hearing aids have come equipped with a lot of different features. The majority of these features can be manipulated and set according to your requirements and lifestyle choices. This means that the aid can be optimized and customized for you by the audiologist or by yourself. Here are a few of the features:

  • The ability to connect your smartphone via Bluetooth to the hearing aid so you can listen to music, your satnav, phone calls through the hearing aid.
  • Wireless technology to allow for information sharing, updates
  • The ability to use your smartphone as a wireless remote to adjust settings on your hearing aid.
  • Frequency lowering which allows you to reduce high pitched sounds specifically.
  • Rechargeable batteries.
  • Tinnitus masker which helps the wearer hide the sound of tinnitus
  • Control gain which allows you to reduce certain noises, such as the traffic or background sounds.

So, if you want to know more about your choices of hearing aid, call Grusecki Audiology & Hearing Aid Services now call at 623-583-1737.